Spring is finally here! Things are starting to leaf out and bloom, and the time is right for several yard maintenance items
- Preemergent: one way to keep your garden/shrub beds from being completely overrun by weeds in the summer is to hit them with a preemptive strike. Properly applying the right preemergent will stop most weeds from germinating, meaning far less time spent pulling weeds later in the year.
- Moss Control: Winter rain keeps everything green in Western Oregon. However, it also keeps things pretty mossy. While the moss itself won’t kill your grass, it leads to unfavorable growing conditions that may result in the ultimate demise of your lawn.
- Fertilizer: Now is a good time to fertilize your lawn. Using a fertilizer higher in nitrogen is ideal as it stimulates more growth and aids in getting the grass out of dormancy
- What to Prune: Now is a good time to prune fruit trees through the end of the month. Prune out any dead, diseased or crossing branches. Be sure to remove any sucker growth at the base of the tree and any upward growing water sprouts. Select and keep branches that will support the weight of the fruit and allow for air circulation and sunlight
- What’s Blooming: Hellebores, Primrose, and Daffodils are normally in full bloom this time of year
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